Estrella, I leave my case in your hands, take care of my grandmother, fight for my freedom

Yanet looks at Julia Estrella, they are distributing in Havana the weekly edition of La Nueva República

Arrested in an unjustified manner, sentenced in a trial with no lawyer and for the only crime of being a CID -Dama de Blanco- (Lady in White) whose only crime was to distribute La Nueva República (The New Republic), Yanet Padrón Anaya sends Julia Estrella Aramburo a letter, and asks her: “Estrella, I leave my case in your hands, take care of my grandmother, fight for my freedom.”

I feel, sisters, my life is slowly fading away


Thursday, June 14. Sisters, I hope that despite everything, you are well; I know our struggle is difficult, I am living it myself, I had never been in a place like this, coping with different people, especially the military women. I feel, sisters, my life is slowly fading away. This country’s leaders only know how to destroy the young. I find myself here today for fighting at your side.

This country’s leaders only know how to destroy the young

They have opened a police dossier describing me as dangerous. There is no crime whatsoever. They want to sentence me to a year in Camp Macondo, located in the San Antonio de los Baños Municipality. Sector Chief Yuresky, opened a file on me for antisocial behavior.  Last April 27th, he summoned me at the Cuba y Chacón police unit in the Habana Vieja Municipality. That day, he kept me at the unit, and I was later transferred to the El Vivac Detention Center, for 10 days.


They immediately released me, but days later they summoned me again, on June 4th they tried me with no lawyer present. They took me to this camp, where I am locked all the time, with constant abuse against the women inmates, threatening them with removing their passes. The officer threatening us is Kenia Castellanos Pérez.


For three straight rainy days we have had no light and no power plant. Not easy at all. Estrella, I leave my case in your hands, take care of my grandmother, fight for my freedom. Take care, all of you, and my regards to Huber and Rogelio Matos.


Freedom for all political prisoners.


La Nueva República article

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