Hillary Clinton puede perder La Florida y New Jersey

Por |2015-01-09T23:37:00-06:009 enero, 2015|Varios|Sin comentarios
El Senado del estado de New Jersey, aprobó una resolución presentada el 18 de diciembre por los senadores estatales Brian Stack y Nicholas Sacco, expresando su «profundo desacuerdo con la decisión del Presidente Obama de restaurar relaciones diplomáticas con Cuba».
Esta acción no puede ser ignorada por la posible candidata a la presidencia Hillary Clinton quien ha hecho pública  sus simpatías por las políticas de Obama hacia la dictadura castrista. 
La señora Clinton no tiene muchas posibilidades de ganar los votos electorales de la Florida en las elecciones de 2016 y también puede perder los votos del estado de New Jersey.
La resolución fue enviada por el senado de New Jersey  al presidente de los Estados Unidos y a los líderes del Senado y la Casa de Representantes en Washington.
Estos son sus tres párrafos principales en español: 
CONSIDERANDO, que numerosos respetados funcionarios públicos federales y estatales (de Estados Unidos) , tanto Demócratas como Republicanos, han denunciado esta acción por parte del presidente Obama y creen firmemente que no hará nada para liberar al pueblo cubano de la pobreza y la injusticia que han sufrido durante más de medio siglo, y que sólo servirá para apoyar una dictadura tambaleante y en la quiebra ;
CONSIDERANDO, que los residentes del estado de Nueva Jersey están muy familiarizados con la crueldad del régimen de Castro porque el Estado se ha convertido en el hogar de miles de hombres y mujeres que  de origen cubano que huyeron del régimen por su intención de robarles sus propiedades y ponerlos al servicio de un gobierno militar brutal , y que conocen de primera mano cómo los hermanos Castro han destruido la cultura, la economía y la vitalidad de su patria;
Por lo tanto, lo correcto y apropiado para esta Cámara es expresar su profundo desacuerdo con la decisión del Presidente de los Estados Unidos de restablecer las relaciones diplomáticas plenas con Cuba;

Por Rogelio Matos, Secretario General del CID.

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Version original: 

A SENATE RESOLUTION expressing profound disagreement with the decision of the President of the United States to restore full diplomatic relations with Cuba.
WHEREAS, On December 17, 2014, the President of the United States announced that this country would restore full diplomatic relations with the nation of Cuba after more than 50 years of unconcealed hostility; and
WHEREAS, Cuba has been under the crushing yoke of a brutal communist dictatorship since 1959, led first by Fidel Castro and
more recently by his brother Raul; and
WHEREAS, The actions of the Castro brothers have resulted in the impoverishment of the Cuban people, and the complete and blatant disregard of human rights and democratic principles by the government of that Caribbean nation; and
WHEREAS, Cuba under the Castros has been an active and ominous threat to the vital interests of this nation and all peace-loving countries, as members of Cuba’s military and diplomatic corps have worked assiduously through the years to promote violent, anti-democratic revolutions in different parts of the world; and
WHEREAS, The diplomatic initiative announced by the President involved the release of U.S. government subcontractor Alan Gross by Cuba after five years of detention due to the absurd and unfounded allegation of being a spy, and the release by the United  States of three convicted Cuban spies linked to terroristic activities
in this country; and
WHEREAS, Numerous respected public federal and State officials, both Democratic and Republican, have denounced this move by
President Obama and believe strongly that it will do nothing to free the Cuban people from the poverty and injustice they have suffered  for more than half a century and that it will only serve to support a tottering and bankrupt dictatorship; and  
WHEREAS, Residents of New Jersey are very familiar with the viciousness of the Castro regime because the State has become the home of thousands of Cuban-born men and women who fled from a regime intent on stealing their property and putting them at the service of a brutal military government, and who know first-hand how the Castro brothers have destroyed the culture and economicvitality of their homeland; and 
WHEREAS, It fitting and proper for this House to express profound disagreement with the decision of the President of the United States to restore full diplomatic relations with Cuba; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the State of New Jersey:
1. This House expresses profound disagreement with the decision of the President of the United States to restore full
diplomatic relations with Cuba.
2. Copies of this resolution, as filed with the Secretary of the Senate, shall be transmitted by the Secretary of the Senate to the President of the United States, the Majority Leader of the United States Senate, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives and to every member of Congress elected thereto from this State.
This Senate Resolution expresses profound disagreement with the decision of the President of the United States to restore full diplomatic relations with Cuba.

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  1. moderniste 10 enero, 2015 en 10:55 pm - Responder

    You must be on Crack 😀

  2. moderniste 10 enero, 2015 en 10:55 pm - Responder

    Como si la mayoría de la población de NJ tomara su decisión de voto basado en la política hacia a Cuba del candidato en cuestión, la verdad que hay cada cubanos por ahí que se creen mas cosas y hablan mas catibía quel carajo…

  3. Anónimo 11 enero, 2015 en 3:26 am - Responder

    abajo el bloqueo

  4. admin 12 enero, 2015 en 5:15 am - Responder

    Moderniste actualizate. Si el senado de New Jersey voto por esa resolucion esta reflejando una realidad politica.

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