I don’t want your help, but I demand you give me back the roof you stole

The roof of Mirian Esteben’s house

When Mirian Esteben Brefe’s husband died, the government tried to start charging her rent for the house she and her husband had built. She refuses. Then they proposed an exchange of part of her roof that was left in good condition after a hurricane to rebuild other houses, and for that, they would provide a new zinc roof. They took the roof but they never delivered the zinc. Then they began blackmailing her with the rent deal.



She told them: 

“Don’t go on with the idea to charge me for what’s not yours”

“I came to you in search of support and no one cared about my case”

“This house was built with much sacrifice and I’m not going to pay for something that belongs to my children”


Article from La Nueva Republica 227-B


Ciego de Ávila, June 2018


To the President of the Municipal People’s Power Assembly), calle B / 2da y 3ra, Gaspar, Baraguá, Ciego de Ávila


From: Mirian Esteben Brefe, Comunidad San Pedro, Baraguá, Ciego de Ávila


Subject: I don’t want your help, but I demand you give me back the roof you stole


Based upon your constitution of the Republic of Cuba of 1992 and other legal tools protecting me as a natural Cuban citizen, I hold you responsible for this violation of my rights.


For years my husband invested our resources in building this home, something that took great effort to do and you want to take it away from me. In March 2015, after my husband’s death the Housing Property Registry gave me notice that they would start charging me rent because there were no legal documents supporting my ownership. Immediately I presented a claim and I came to you in search of support but no one cared about my case.


After a lengthy procedure I thought you would finally give up, but it was not so. To make my situation even worse, my house was partially damaged as hurricane Irma ripped thorough the province. At the time of reconstruction you and other authorities visited me and seeing the damage you proposed I donated the asbestos sheets that were in good condition to repair other houses and in exchange you would give me a zinc roof. I accepted.


After repeatedly complaining to the commission in charge of reconstruction about my zinc roof, now you tell me that my case will be taken by the Municipal Housing Bureau with the condition that if you give me the zinc roof I will have to pay rent for the house, something that I do not agree with.


This house was built with a lot of sacrifice and I am not going to pay for something that belongs to my children. I live in subhuman conditions in a room that gets wet, with a roof made of pieces of asbestos and zinc which I had to put up to try to protect us from the sun and the rain. I do not want your help but I demand you give me back the roof you stole. Do not continue with the idea to charge me for what is not yours.


With nothing further: Mirian Esteben Brefe


By People’s Defense Coordinator Yasmani Díaz Romay and People’s Defender Norberto Prado Arroche



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