Katia Sonia Martín Velíz y Aimee Cabrales Aguilar arrestadas ayer viernes 18

Por |2011-03-19T20:21:00-06:0019 marzo, 2011|Varios|Sin comentarios
Katia y su esposo Ricardo


Ayer viernes a las 5 pm cuando salían de la casa de Katia Sonia Martín V. fueron arrestadas. En forma violenta las tomaron de piernas y brazos las metieron a cada una un vehículo.

En el día de hoy se supo que Katia estaba detenida en la estación de policía de Miramar y según el oficial de seguridad del estado “Vladlimir” iba a encauzarla por incitar actos contra la Seguridad del Estados y la Revolución.

El oficial le dijo al esposo de Katia, Ricardo Medina Salabarría, que con ella no se podía dialogar, refiriéndose a la actitud seguramente valiente y contestaría de Katia.

Hasta hoy sábado a las 2 pm era desconocido el paradero de Aimee Cabrales Aguilar. Aimee ocupa la Secretaría de asistencia a presos políticos de la delegación del CID en Provincia Habana.

Desde New York Carmen Montenegro denunció el arresto a la Sociedad Internacional de Derechos Humanos y a las embajadas extranjeras en Cuba.

Katia Sonia Martin V. es la Coordinadora de Occidente del Partido Cuba Independiente y Democrática (CID).

Alexander Freiherr von Bischofshausen
International Society for Human Rigths (ISHR)
International Secretariat
Frankfurt am Main

Your Excellency:

I am writing to express my deep concern about the detentions of two peaceful activists of the outlawed party Cuba Independent and Democratic Cuba, (CID) , Katia Sonia Martin Veliz Salavia y Aymee Cabrales Aguilar, arrested on March 18 at 5:00 a.m. by Security Forces and taken to an unnknown destiny in Miramar district.

The 1998 U.N. Declaration on Human Rights Defenders provides that governments should protect the rights of all individuals to freely share information about human rights and advance fundamental freedoms.

I want you to urge the Cuban government to immediately and unconditionally release -Katia Sonia Martin Veliz y Aymee Cabrales Aguilar – as well as all others held for their nonviolent promotion of human rights and democracy and the peaceful expression of their beliefs.

While they remain in detention, I want you to ask the Cuban government to guarantee that the conditions of their detention conform to basic international standards as defined under the U.N. Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners and the U.N. Body of Principles for the Protection of all Persons Under Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment. These documents elaborate the basic standards needed to protect the rights of detainees, including the provision that sick prisoners receive adequate medical treatment. A second opinion from a medical professional is provided for under these guidelines. Finally, these standards detail the rights of prisoners to regular correspondence and family visits.

Enclosed an article in spanish publiished on March 18 in www.miscelaneasdecuba.net about the above case.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter.

Carmen Montenegro-Herrero

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