Pay my full salary as it should be, 600 pesos

Por |2018-01-08T11:19:42-06:0026 agosto, 2017|CID, Defensoría del Pueblo de Cuba, Varios|Sin comentarios
Mailin Pupo Batista, her children and CID people’s defenders
Holguín, August 23, 2017
To: Bienestar Social, Oficina de Atención a la Población (Social Welfare, Population Service Office)
From: Mailin Pupo Batista
I, Mailin Pupo Batista, 45, living at Reparto Sanfield, edificio10 apartamento 4, segundo piso, address you once more because I have lodged this complaint on several occasions to other government and Communist Party bodies, but none have been so kind as to at least answer my letters.
Today, I write to you because you are supposed to be an institution where aid is given to people in need, and honestly, my case is critical, as I state below.
I am a single mother of two children, a 14 year-old boy and a 6 year-old girl, both suffering from a chronic disease known as mucoviscidosis (cystic fibrosis)*, which has led them to physical and motor function disabilities. Besides needing special care, they permanently require my total attention and care.
When my children were smaller I could still work, which I did at the art school here in Holguín. But as they grew up, so did their illness, and each day their disabilities increased, the reason why I stopped working. For a while, as social aid, the State began to pay me a single-mother salary, since I have two disabled children. This salary was 600 pesos** national currency, but it was never fully paid, since what I always receive is 400 pesos. I do not understand what has happened to those 200 pesos which have been missing from the beginning.
Please, I am only demanding that my salary be fully paid, as it should be, 600 pesos, so I can at least cover my two children’s basic needs.
I hope my case will now be evaluated and attention is put on myself and my two children, two angels who deserve to live as best as possible. I place my case in your hands, and my hopes in your hearts.
Waiting for a reply, Mailin Pupo Batista.
By the Defensoría del Pueblo (People’s Defense), Romelia Piña González, Rosaida González Escalona and Marlenis Abreu
*Cystic Fibrosis or Mucoviscidosis:
Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is an autosomal recessive disease which affects mostly people of Caucasian origin. Its impact varies from 1 in 3,000 to 1 in 8,000 live births. One person in every 25 is a carrier. Common symptoms: frequent or chronic respiratory problems, easily mistaken for bronchitis, pneumonia or similar pathologies, coughing, high temperature, weariness, stomach ache low weight and weak complexion. Cases of early death or lung ailments in relatives. Persons with a healthy normal gen and another which is ill are healthy carriers and do not show symptoms.
There is a 25% probability that if both parents are healthy their child will be healthy, 50% that the child will be a carrier but without showing the symptoms and 25% that the child will suffer from cystic fibrosis.
Cystic Fibrosis affects different organs, but the lung tissue wears away and the lung airways are obstructed.
**the equivalent to $24 dollars per month, she receives $16.

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