The plot was unfit for me but not for the head of Housing

Por |2018-01-08T11:19:37-06:0022 septiembre, 2017|CID, Defensoría del Pueblo de Cuba, Otros|Sin comentarios
Yeleanne and her children)

Gibara, September 18, 2017

To: Adrián Rojas, Gibara Communist Party First Secretary

From: Yeleanne Martínez Velázquez, CI 89102238176 and address at avenida Pedro Martínez Rojas, Pueblo Nuevo, Gibara.

Sir: I would like through this letter to have you know about my present situation. Since hurricane Ike, I was affected by the total collapse of my house. Government president Nersy Fernández Sarmiento and vice president Alexander know about my problem because I have repeatedly approached them without being heard and least of all assisted.

I have requested a subsidy to build at least a room in order to have mi children in a safe place, since we are going from one place to another without settling down. The only reply I was given at vivienda municipal (municipal housing) was that I had to look for a plot and pay for it.

The head of Housing kept the plot that 
was unfit for construction

So, I looked for the parcel, but the persons who had to inspect the place told me that nothing could be built there, and that I had to continue to look for a place that met the necessary requirements for construction.

The Housing head’s house on the plot unfit for constructions which Yeleanne was going to buy

Some months go by and I realize that Housing head Mrs. Marlen’s house stands on the same parcel I chose to build my house and could not do so.

How is it possible that this happens?

The resources earmarked to cover the people’s needs are blatantly distributed among high Government officials. I have two children who have no fixed place to sleep, while the people’s leaders build their houses regardless of their population’s need.

I expect an adequate response to such a serious situation.

With nothing further.
Por María Teresa García Rojas delegada del CID Gibara y defensora del pueblo.
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