They knew I wasn´t afraid, they took me away by force and for two days I neither ate nor drank water

Por |2018-09-08T00:34:07-06:008 septiembre, 2018|CID, Represión|Sin comentarios

CID’s National Vice President Yanelis Jiménez Trejos was arrested Sunday, September 2nd, at approximately 11 pm on the Ciego de Ávila main highway by three men dressed as civilians in a Lada car. This was her experience: “They got off the car roughly and in a rude way they told me I was not going anywhere. Although I resisted the arrest, two of them held me by the arms and the other one subjected me to a complete body check. They knew I was not afraid and that no threat whatsoever will stop those of us fighting for our people’s freedom. They forcibly took me away for criminal investigation in Ciego de Avila, to a place better known as ‘El Técnico’ (‘The Technical’). Then I was met by an officer who never identified himself who told me he knew I was going to Sancti Spíritus to visit Henry Lazo*, and therefore I was going to remain under arrest for several days.”


“When they searched by handbag they confiscated 1600 pesos national currency which according to them was subversive money and I could not reclaim it. After that, this officer repeatedly offended me and told me no one would find me, that I was a counter-revolutionary organizing terrorist groups. He took me to a cell where I refused food and water for two days.”


“After the first day in prison, the same officer accused me of wanting to travel to Holguín to carry out counter-revolutionary activities. On tuesday afternoon I was released with the prohibition of traveling outside my province, except in the case of a relative’s death. This was verbally issued with no legal document to back the sanction.”


“These thugs know that I am not afraid and that no threat whatsoever will hold back the courage of those of us fighting for our people’s freedom. The struggle continues! Long live a free Cuba!”


*Henry Lazo is a young Cuban singer who composed a song praising Comandante Huber Matos and has been held in psychiatric institutions since February 1918.


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