Those who have nothing will be deprived even of whatever little they have

Por |2018-01-08T11:19:36-06:0026 septiembre, 2017|CID, Defensoría del Pueblo de Cuba, Otros|Sin comentarios

Mileisis Vigoa, CID’s delegate in Artemisa

Artemisa, September 24, 2017. On September 20, the state’s insecurity department carried out an operation around Mileisis Vigoa’s and Gerardo Páez’s homes, to prevent them from going out, since a police operation was being carried out in downtown Artemisa against Yoelsis Olazábal and her three children, respectively seventeen, six and nine years old, to evict them from the house they had occupied since they had nowhere to live, reported CID Delegate and Defensora del Pueblo (People’s Defender) in this municipality, Mileisis Vigoa.

The house they took away from this family in need, had been closed for the previous seven years and it was now handed over to the head of Salud Pública Provincial (Provincial Public Health), who sued Yoelsis Olazábal. This official has a house in the San Cristóbal municipality, but was awarded this property in order to live in the municipality main city. Unlike what the Bible says, in socialist paradise those who have will be given more, but those who have nothing will be deprived even of whatever little they have.

Yoelsis Olazábal and her three children

The houses of other opposition leaders in the city were also surveilled, as is the case of Roberto Moreno, Editor of the journal “El Majadero”  (“Annoying”) also aiming at preventing them to arrive at the scene of the events to document what was happening.

Actions of this type are increasingly frequent, said Mileisis, who feels that authorities act like that because of their increasing fear as popular unrest grows.

By Carlos Suárez, of the Defensoría del Pueblo (People’s Defense) in Artemisa.
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