Por |2011-08-10T12:29:00-06:0010 agosto, 2011|Varios|Sin comentarios

Mr. Barack Obama, President of the United States of America

Mr. Jimmy Carter (Fax: 404-331-0283)

Mr.Alexander Freiherr von Bischofshausen, (ISHR)

General Abelardo Colome Ibarra, Interior Minister of Cuba (Fax: 212 779 1697)


As a Cuban born American citzen I’m deeply concerned about the lack of freedom in my native island and the detention of Francisco Jaime Alvares (Panchito) who is a peaceful activist of the outlawed party CUBA INDEPENDIENTE Y DEMOCRATICA (CID) in the town of San Juan y Martinez, Province of Pinar del Rio, Cuba on July 29, 2011. Francisco is held in «the provincial investigation department, located at Km 4 of the Luis Lazo Highway» and is in hunger strike since July 29. His health is rapidly deteriorating and he is suffering from hypoglycemia and hypertension.

The 1998 U.N. Declaration on Human Rights Defenders provides that governments should protect the rights of all individuals to freely share information about human rights and advance fundamental freedoms.

While he remains in detention, I want you to ask the Cuban government to immediately and unconditionally release Francisco Jaime Alvarez and guarantee that the conditions of his detention conform to basic international standards as defined under the U.N. Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners and the U.N. Body of Principles for the Protection of all Persons Under Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment. These documents elaborate the basic standards needed to protect the rights of detainees, including the provision that sick prisoners receive adequate medical treatment. A second opinion from a medical professional is provided for under these guidelines. Finally, these standards detail the rights of prisoners to regular correspondence and family visits.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter.

Carmen Montenegro-Herrero

Cuba Independiente y Democratica (CID)

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