A fatal accident could happen any moment

Por |2018-01-08T11:27:03-06:0030 septiembre, 2017|CID, Defensoría del Pueblo de Cuba, Varios|Sin comentarios

Justified is the concern and the feeling of outrage and mockery of the neighbors in the multi-family building located at calzada de San Lázaro No. 682, because of the appalling state of the electricity network which, starting with the meters, also in a bad shape, becomes an impenetrable tangle of cables of different sizes and in advanced state of ruin.

Since 2010 we have submitted complaints to the Empresa Eléctrica (Electric Company) in the Centro Habana municipality, and it has sent several inspectors but no repair work has been done. Now, with the city supposedly in a recovery stage, neighbor again appeal to authorities but receive no reply.

A fatal accident by electrocution or fire could happen any moment. Because of the damage of wires, power consumption is above normal, there is low voltage and short circuits. The building dates back to early last century and the old wooden beams of the original roof are rotten. Cables are not isolated and connections are exposed. All this added to roof leakage, dampness coming off walls due to periodical flooding in this coastal zone pose a constant risk. The solution is total replacement of cables as well as replacement of meters.

On several occasions, either neighbors on their own or neighbors’ committees have brought our concerns and complaints to the Empresa Eléctrica and even Municipal Government headquarters, but have not received proper attention, reply or solution to this problem which worsens with time and is a pending task for these organizations which base the reason for their existence on the population’s wellbeing.

The Defensoría del Pueblo (People’s Defense) has submitted a complaint on behalf of this building’s neighbors at the Ministerio de Energía y Minas (Energy and Mining Ministry) because of the mockery by the officials working for these government institutions.
By Steve Maikel Pardo Valdés, Defensor del Pueblo (People’s Defender) and CID activist in the 10 de Octubre municipality.

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